Gear Oils
Big or small, if a vehicle or a machine has a gearbox, it will need gear oil. Conlan Oils can help you choose the right lubricant for your Car, Truck, Bus or machinery, give us a call.
GEAR OIL'S Conlan Oils - Supplying Quality Assured And Thoroughly Test Gear Oils

Gear oil is the broad term for several different types of lubricants and fluids that support the functioning and performance of the gear systems within a vehicle. Similar to engine oil (although not the same), it serves multiple purposes, from protecting gears from wear and tear to dissipating heat and reducing friction. At Conlan Oils we aim to provide you with the very best gear oil for your requirements. We provide Gear Oil in the specifications below.
Specifications Available:
75w/80 , 75w/85, 75w/90, 75w/140, 80w/90, 85w/140
EP 80, EP 90, EP 100, EP 150, EP 220, EP 460, EP 680
Gear oil is the broad term for several different types of lubricants and fluids that support the functioning and performance of the gear systems within a vehicle. Similar to engine oil (although not the same), it serves multiple purposes, from protecting gears from wear and tear to dissipating heat and reducing friction.
An essential ingredient to the smooth running of your car, truck, bus or machinery here we’ll go over three things you need to know about gear oil, and cover some FAQs about this crucial lubricant.
GEAR OIL – Frequently Asked Questions
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